luni, 28 septembrie 2009

What's better than a cat?

Mark Twain was asked: "What is better than a cat?"
To which Twain is supposed to have replied: "Two cats!"

2 comentarii:

mgutman spunea...

Vero. Sai, se dovessi morire, mi piacerebbe farlo a casa mia in compagnia dei miei gatti. Non direbbero niente, perchè non è necessario dire niente.

Olivia si Tudor spunea...

Jose Luis Borges diceva molto bello del suo gatto, Beppo: "I am alone, laid down, and suddenly I feel a powerful jump: it is Beppo, that wants to sleep by my side, and I perceive his presence like the one of a God that will protect me". Gattoterapia :)
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