joi, 7 ianuarie 2010

Maneki Neko

Once upon a time, there was a poverty-stricken temple in Tokyo. The temple's priest was very poor, but he shared what little food he had with his pet cat, Tama.

One day, a wealthy and important man was caught in a storm while hunting and he took refuge under a big tree near the temple. While he waited for the storm to pass, the man noticed a cat beckoning him to come inside the temple gate. This was so startling that he left the shelter of the tree to have a closer look at this unusual cat. At that moment, the tree was struck by lighting. In this way, the wealthy man became friends with the poor priest, and the temple became prosperous. The priest and his cat never went hungry again.

When Tama died he was buried in the Goutokuji Temple's cat cemetery with respect and love, and the first Maneki Neko sculpture was made to honor him.

Depicting a Japanese bobtail, the Maneki Neko is made of ceramic and is believed that it can bring good fortune to the owner.

duminică, 3 ianuarie 2010

Mihail Vakulovski * * *

sa fii mata sa stai la fereastra apartamentului de la etajul 11
si sa privesti in jos
sa treaca doi iubiti incruntati aiurea
parul sa inverzeasca de la ochii tai
cu ace de ceasornic din secolul trecut
sa fie viata
sa stii ca asa e bine
si sa te intrebi de ce anume tu
trrrebbuie sa fii mata
sa stai la fereastra acestui apartament
de la acest etaj din blocul asta
sa primesti kity kat carne de pasare tanara peste
fiert din mana acestei apetisante codane
si sa mananci
sa privesti in jos sa fii mangaiata pe blana
de la care dimineata soarele isi aprinde tigara
sa te gandesti ca pestele n-are nici sange nici inima
sa te plictisesti sa sari pe masa pat scaun
frigider televizor noptiera
sa sa-ti vina subit sa te-arunci dupa propria privire
pe care o iubesti ca pe ochii din cap

(Mic tratat de pisicologie, Serban Foarta)

Pisicile lui Jan Vermeyen

(The Brindle Cat - 1546)

(The Holy Family around a Fire, c.1532-33)